Creator's Vision

Ray Kripaitis

The United Nations Eagles NFT project was born on February 25, 2022. The day after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I was preparing for ways to help Ukraine and the World on the lead up to the invasion. I wanted to have maximum impact and make a difference in support of Ukraine and Peace, and to leverage our sentiment worldwide. The NFT.  NFT’s are art collections that can send a universal message into the universe. And everyone connected to the internet in the world, can participate.
The BALD EAGLE represents Strength and Freedom and is the USA’s national bird. American has always represented Freedom and Strength , and helping the underdog. In my mind, this became the perfect icon, for what we are doing. It is a Majestic cause. 
We are very serious, and understand the importance of a lasting legacy for our kids and grand-kids and further, to plant the seeds for a positive change for the world. UNITED. 
A United of Ukraine Package was organized,  that will accomplish everything we envisioned on that Feb. 25th day. Our team is fully committed, and we welcome all to come and join us to give peace the chance to happen. And Help return Ukraine to it’s full glory, it richly deserves.  Thank you. 
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